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3. SIRS Researcher

4. Opposing Viewpoints


Research Project: Social Justice Movements

Ms. Sangha-Gadsden

Description: We are living in incredible times.  Times that are pushing change.  Times that are asking for representation and protection for all members of society.  Your job is to take on a movement and/or a moment and argue its impact today.  Here are some suggested present day topics whose underpinnings have long been active.


  • Topics:
    • Liberation Movements
      • Black Freedom Struggle - past to present - NAACP, SCLC, Black Panthers, BLM, Culturally-Responsive Practices
      • Chicano Movement - past to present - Brown Berets, Fighting ICE, Borders, DACA
      • Asian American Movement - past to present, Anti-Asian racism, TEAACH Act
    • Labor Movement - past to present, Guilded Age, Fight for $15
    • Anti-war Movement- past to present-Demilitarize, Chicago 7, Defund Police
    • Women’s Rights Movement - past to present - right to vote, labor rights, reproductive rights, #MeToo, BLM, women's’ rights marches
    • LGBTQIA Movement - - past to present-civil rights, labor rights
    • Environmental Movement - past to present - Indigenous, global warming, environmental racism, South Dakota Pipeline
    • Rise in Islamophobia
      • Palestinians for Black Lives
    • Rise in Anti-semitism
    • Exonerated Citizens
    • Defund the Police
    • Insurrection of January 6
    • Reparations in Evanston
    • Covid - Social emotional well-being, mandates
    • Voting Rights
    • The Rise of Protests
  • Some initial resources:

Project Components:


  • Research Proposal (20 formative points):  Respond thoughtfully to the questions in the Research Proposal in order to further develop your thinking about your topic and formulate your research plan.  



  • Research Paper, including Works Cited Page (100 summative points):  Requirements: 5 – 6 pages in length (1500 to 1800 words), 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and a creative title.  Use MLA formatting, including in-text citations throughout.  Your research paper will skillfully analyze,  synthesize, and organize your source materials to support your thesis.  Click here to see the Research Paper Rubric

Source Requirements for Research Paper:  

Students will use at least six sources in their research paper: at least two primary print sources; at least two secondary print sources; and at least one literary and/or pop culture source (novel, short story, poem, drama, comic, song, film, literary essay, visual art).  Note that a literary and/or pop culture source must incorporate your cultural artifact, idea, concept, or construct in a significant way, i.e. it should be a significant symbol, metaphor, or motif in the work.  In other words, it is not acceptable if your artifact is merely mentioned or alluded to incidentally. 

Research Paper (100 point):  

You will develop the research question for your argument.  Your argument must include personal narrative, at least one other view of the topic. Also, include a specific incident or individual that has had an impact the movement. 

Final Presentation (100 point):  

Students will meaningfully synthesize and integrate their research and arguments into an informative and engaging live or recorded multimedia presentation.  Presentations will be 5 to 6 minutes long and will serve as a summative grade for AP Language and Composition.  Multimedia presentations must be uploaded on time into Google Classroom’s “Final Exam Presentation” so that they can be easily accessed during our presentation days.   Click here to see the Research Paper Presentation/Final Exam rubric.  Presentations will commence during the last week of school after the research papers are submitted and continue on the final exam dates (to be announced). Students will sign up for presentation slots.  All students must attend the final exam sessions even if they have already presented.


Going Forward:

You will begin to research your topic in the coming weeks, track down source material, use proper citation form, create an annotated bibliography (précis), and synthesize the sources, knowledge and insights you have accumulated into a well-written and insightful essay.  

The four keys to a successful research project are reading, discussing, thinking, and writing.  Watch movies and television shows about your topic.  Talk to your friends and household members about it.  Read articles, essays, stories, poems, and books about it.  Listen to songs that deal with it.  Come up with questions about it, and then try to find the answers.  YOU will be the primary determiner of the success of this project; it will only be as good as the investment you make in it.