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Koons -- Mental Health Podcast 2023: Home

Databases Shown in Class

Databases shown in class:

Use these links if you are in the school:


2. Teen Health and Wellness

3. Science in Context


Use these links if you are at home:


2. Teen Health and Wellness

3.  Science in Context







Use this document to record your research findings, podcast script, and sources. 



Group Member Names : 

Topic :

Part 1: Research 

Answer the research questions below to help frame your podcast. Be as detailed and specific as possible.


  1. What is the disorder? 

    1. Definition of the disorder


  1. History

    1. What is the history of the disorder?

    2. How long has it been labeled as a disorder?

    3. History of past treatments no longer used? (if applicable)


  1. Statistics

    1. What factors contribute to this disorder?

    2. Who is most at risk?

    3. Age of onset?


  1. Symptoms

    1. What are the symptoms of this disorder?

    2. How is the body and/or brain specifically affected by the disorder?


  1. Diagnosis

    1. How is the disorder diagnosed?


  1. Treatment

    1. How is it currently treated?

    2. How does it affect daily life?

    3. Explain how people live with the disorder once they are diagnosed.

      1. Types of coping mechanisms

      2. Are medications needed?


  1. Support

    1. Warning signs 

    2. How can you help/support a friend with this disorder?

    3. Where to get help

      1. Where can someone get help (at school, in the community, etc)

      2. Where can someone specifically get help here in our Evanston community?



Part 2: Podcast Name & Script

Podcast Requirements:

  • 6-8 minutes long 

  • The podcast should be conversational. Be creative and have fun with it! 

  • Should include conversations between 

    1. Podcast host(s)

    2. Guest speakers 

      1. professionals in the field

      2. person who has been living with the disorder

    3. All group members should have a speaking role. 

  • Discuss all of the information from your research questions above. 

  • Podcast should include music and appropriate sound effects (at least it must have a musical intro & outro)

  • Speakers should use inflection and creativity when speaking to make an entertaining podcast. (do not use a monotone voice. Bring your character to life.)


Podcast Name: 



Enter the names of each group member and which “character” they will be playing in the podcast recording.


Student Name

Character Name



Character Backgrounds

Create a background for your podcast character. How long have they worked in their field or lived with their condition? Give them a backstory. How are you going to play your character to bring them to life in your podcast? 


Character Name

Character Description / Background




After you complete all of your research, create the script for your podcast. Enter the script in the space below. 

Create your script word for word.



Part 3: Works Cited 

List at least THREE different sources below in MLA or ADA format. 







Rubric (60 Points Total)


  1. Completed Research Questions - 15 Points

  2. Podcast Name - 2 points

  3. Characters & Background - 5 points

  4. Script - 6 Points

  5. Recorded Podcast (32 points - breakdown below)


6 - 8 Minutes

2 points

Conversation includes all findings from research

15 points

Podcast has music and sound effects to enhance the presentation. (must have intro and outro music & etc)

5 points

Speakers use inflection and changes in their voice to create an entertaining podcast. (avoid just talking with a monotone voice, create and become a character)

5 points

Conversation includes at least a host, professional in the field, & someone living with condition.

3 points

All group members have a speaking role

2 points

Podcast is clearly spoken and entertaining (final recording should not have disruptive breakouts of laughter or extremely quiet speaking)

2 points


  1. Works cited - 3 points