1. Click here to log into Overdrive Sora.
2. Click "Sign In Using Evanston Township High School 202."
3. The bottom bar shows "Home" which are books you have out, "Explore" which is how you search for books, "Shelf" which are books you have out and on hold, and "Me" which is the spot to check for how long you have been reading for.
4. Click on the upper hand corner's 3 bars to connect to your local library for many more books. Click "Add a Library" and type in your library and then click "This is My Library."
5. To look for books, either type the title in the search bar on the top or scroll down and click on a genre like "Comic and Graphic Books" or "Young Adult Fiction."
6. Click on the "Refine" on the upper right hand side and click on "Show Available Books Only"
7. Click "Borrow" once you found a book you like. In the pop up "Sign into your library," choose Evanston Township High School District 202 (NOT Evanston Public Library). You will need to click borrow again.